
Hang raspberry brambles at the home entrance to prevent unwanted spirits from entering. This plant is a fertility charm and helps prevent miscarriage by strengthening the uterus during pregnancy. It reduces false labour pains and the pains of childbirth.


Rattan palm is one of the plants used to make dragon's blood resin. It is gathered by breaking off the layer of red resin encasing the unripe fruit of the rattan.
Dragon's blood is usually used to increase one's strength, power and dominance. Place in drawers and cupboards you don't want people looking in, and recite "Dragon's blood watch and ward, as the dragon guards its horde."


The rose is aligned with water. Sprinkle rose petals around the home to calm stress and upheavals. Burn rose incense for a peaceful night's sleep.
Rose conserves or rose petals in honey are recommended for nausea and sore throats. Rose hips are a blood purifier, this is good for females during menstruation and good for males too.


Rosemary is always for protection and banishment. Bathe in rosemary for spiritual cleansing and when you are under psychic attack. Hang the leaves at doors and porches to keep thieves out. Place the leaves under your pillow to keep away evil spirits and bad dreams.
Drink rosemary tea before exams to make the mind alert. Rosemary also has painkilling qualities that is useful for muscular aches and pains.
Marinade meats, fish and potatoes generously with crushed rosemary leaves to prevent food poisoning. Also a digestive aid and helps reduce diabetes.
Rosemary makes a good toning oil that treats sagging and puffy skin and treats from acne and cellulite. Also treats bites and stings on skin.


Rowan is a traditional country charm against witchcraft. A tiny cross made of rowan is worn in the clothing. The most potent rowan are those grown near stone circles. Traditionally, people keep rowan in the house to keep it from lightning strike and carry rowan on board the ship to protect it from storm. Rowan is also planted on the grave to prevent the deceased from haunting.
The forked branch of rowan helps you to find water and locate metals.


Saffron can be used for healing and to clean hands before rituals. Rinse your bedsheets with saffron to strengthen your arms and legs during sleep. Throw saffron in the air to call for winds.
Eating saffron helps to prevent the build-up of cholesterol.


Walk with sage incense to the four corners of the room to repel and rid negative energies thoughts and influences and evil spirits and wards off misfortune. This is especially useful when you move to a new home. Also useful to place sage where you need to keep sacred objects. Wear sage to guard against the evil eye. Most importantly, use sage in reversing spells.
Eaten, sage aids the digestion of fatty meats. Chew sage leaves or drink the tea soothe mouth sores and sore throat. It strengthens concentration and eases mental exhaustion.
Sage also stops bleeding gums and excess saliva. As a hair rinse, sage stops dandruff and gives dull hair shine.

Sandalwood (Cendana)

Best used on Monday. Sandalwood can be used for healing and exorcism spells.
Sandalwood can be used to cool the body during fever or heatstroke. The incense has been used to calm the terminally ill as it helps acceptance. Sandalwood has been used to clear kidney and gall stones.


Carry this herb to excite passions, improve virility and prolong life. An antidote for poisons. Stimulates breathing when one is congested.
A natural steroid, helps women produce natural progesterone.
A wash for ulcerations, shingles and syphilis sores.

Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is used to prevent the female partner from choosing abortion. However, this plant also attracts snakes.


Offers protection to those at sea. Can be used to summon sea spirits and winds.


A jar of sesame seeds attracts money.

Information presented in The Enoch Times is based on the traditional and historic use or legend of the herb and is meant as an educational starting point only. While this website makes every effort to maintain the accuracy of the information it contains, The Enoch Times is not engaged in rendering medical advice. Herbs, like any medication, can cause adverse reaction in some people. Do not use these methods without first contacting your medical doctor.