
Chew ginger and spit it at the seat of an illness to cure it. While at sea, spit chewed ginger at an oncoming storm to halt it.
Strengthens and heals the respiratory system. In tea form, it is good for cramps, migraines, nausea and external stiffness. Prevents internal blood clots that trigger heart attacks. Helps reduce bruising.
Add in cooking to detoxify meat, especially chicken.


A mild tea prior bedtime helps you remember dreams in sleep. Hold gingko to help improve memory.
Improves circulation to the brain, thus preventing the cause for memory loss. Treats weak bladder and incontinence. The leaves are traditionally used to treat asthma. A possible treatment in complications of organ transplants.


Burn ginseng to break curses and ward off evil spirits. Ginseng is a substitute for mandrake in all spells.
Helps in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, cancer, flatulence, diabetes, fever, coughs and heartburn.
An antidepressant. A mild pain killer. During menopause, it aids in rejuvenating the system, balances hormones and regulates hot flashes.


Goldenseal is used in prosperity and healing spells.
Goldenseal enables the liver to recover. It goes straight into the bloodstream and eliminates infection in the body. A potent remedy for disorders of the mucous membranes of the body, notably of the eye, ear, nose, throat and vagina. Treats the inflammation of the colon and rectum.
Goldenseal helps to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding and is used by some midwives to stop postpartum hemorrhage.
May help remove nicotine quicker and helps withdrawal symptoms.
However, goldenseal should not be taken over extended periods of time as it reduces the body's ability to absorb vitamin B.


Burn the berries as an incense when you need energy and change in your life. Use in protective sachets and amulets against evil influences. Promotes happiness in marriage or relationships.


The forked branch of this tree can be used as a dowsing rod to find water. Tie two hazel twigs together with red or gold thread to make a solar cross as a good luck charm. Hazelnuts can be carried to cause fertility, eaten to bring wisdom.
Hazelnuts with mead or honey will cure a chronic cough. Add pepper to discharge phlegm. Good as a mouth rinse to aid hemorrhoids.
Hazel makes a cool astringent for the face. Can be applied as a compress to insect bites and other skin irritations.


Carry heather to guard against rape and violent crime. Include in potpourri for protection. Burn with fern to bring rain.
Tea made from heather blossoms suppresses coughing and aids sleeplessness.


The leaves and berries are carried by a man to heighten his masculinity and virility. Plant holly around the home to protect from evil.


Use in prosperity spells.


Used in healing incenses and charms. Hops in a pillow helps with sleep.
A mild sedative.


Horseradish repels evil around the home and property. It is part of the Jewish Passover ritual.
Oil from its root helps to massage away muscular aches and loosens chest congestion. It can be used to warm a cold body and clear up drippy sinuses.


Use in purification baths, protective and banishing spells. Burn as an incense or throw into fire to draw magickal dragon energy.


Grow ivy around and over a house to protect it from evil and harm. Ivy and holly are good luck charms for newly-weds.


Carrying, burning or wearing the flowers attract wealth and money. Burning jasmine in the bedroom will bring prophetic dreams.
An aphrodisiac both as tea as well as massage oil.
Can be used to speed delivery once contractions have started. Helps with postnatal depression while at the same time bonds mother and baby. Promotes lactation in nursing mothers too.

Job's Tears

Job's Tears refers to the prophet Job who never lost his faith despite all afflictions. Job was rewarded by God for his patience. Job's Tears is thus believed to have the same effect.
String the seeds and wear it as a wish or blessing necklace. The tradition is to place seven Job's Tears in your pocket while making a sincere wish and carry them for seven days. On the seventh day, go to running water and recite the 23rd Psalm ("The Lord is my shepherd..."), pray for that desire, throw the Job's Tears into the water over the left shoulder, walk away and don't look back. The wish will come true within seven days.
The fruits are used in folk remedies for abdominal tumours, oesophageal, gastrointestinal, and lung cancers, various tumours, as well as excrescences, warts, and whitlows.


Grown at your doorstep, it offers the home protection from thieves. Can be used in anti-theft spells. The plant keeps serpents away. Wear juniper to protect from accidents.
Use it in incenses for all kinds of protection magick, exorcism and against evil influences.
The oil from the berry treats diseases of the kidney and bladder. It clears uric acid from the body, useful for urinary infections and water retention problems. It treats indigestion and stomach ailments.
It is high in natural insulin, and has the ability to heal the pancreas where there has been no permanent damage.

Information presented in The Enoch Times is based on the traditional and historic use or legend of the herb and is meant as an educational starting point only. While this website makes every effort to maintain the accuracy of the information it contains, The Enoch Times is not engaged in rendering medical advice. Herbs, like any medication, can cause adverse reaction in some people. Do not use these methods without first contacting your medical doctor.