
Carry nutmeg for gambling luck and burn it on Thursday in prosperity spells.
Nutmeg strengthens contractions, thus aid in childbirth. Used in cooking, eaten to relieve nausea. Also relieves heart problems due to poor circulation.


Hang oak over doors and windows to protect the house from evil spirits. Burn oak leaves to purify spaces.
Carry the acorns to increase fertility.
The mistletoe grows on huge oak trees. It is traditionally worn as an amulet to attract love or to help conceive. It is also an anti-lightning charm.
Oak is a salicylate herb that can be used for headaches.


Oats are used in prosperity and money spells.
Oat paste help to clear skin disorders such as acne. It relieves itching as well as softens skin. Oats is traditionally used as food for those who is recovering from illness.


The olive has been a symbol of wisdom and peace. The carrying of an olive branch is a message that hostilities have ceased, much like carrying a white flag. Use the olive to end arguments and promote peace.
A tablespoon of olive oil taken in the morning or with soup helps ease constipation and colic. Eat olive leaves to control diabetes and hypertension.
Mix egg white with olive oil and apply on the skin to treat burns and bites.


Place cut onion in a sick person's room to absorb the illness. Leave it overnight and throw it away in the morning.
The onion is a charm against evil spirits. Use an onion to purify swords and knives.
Onions generally alleviates gas pains and reduce cholesterol.


Add orange flowers to the bath to make one attractive. It will also make one in the mood for marriage. The dried and powdered peel is used in fertility charms and solar incenses.
Orange is great for clearing the air after an illness. Most effective on dry skin, promotes the formation of collagen and smooths out wrinkles.


The orchid plant bears the lucky hand root that is used for gambling luck.


When you need it, use oregano in 'letting go' of former loved ones. Either drink the infusion or burn its leaves to help you forget.
Oregano tea helps reduce cellulite and relieves menstrual discomfort. Be it as a bath, inhalation, or drinking the tea, oregano helps clear the lungs and bronchial passages.
Also both internally and externally, oregano alleviates dry itchy skin.

Osmanthus Fragrans

Osmanthus Fragrans is commonly known as tea olive and used as a perfume ingredient. Its scent helps to reduce stress and is an anti-depressant.


Be it growing the tree, its leaves or its fruit, papaya helps strongly against witchcraft. Burn, eat or bathe in papaya for spell reversals and removal of jinxes.
Papaya has also been found to bear anti-cancer properties.


Bathe in parsley or carry its root to stave off misfortune.
Eat parsley to reduce blood pressure. Eases urinary infections.
Crush its leaves and apply externally on insect bites and sprains. Makes a good skin and scalp tonic.


Also known as Maypop. Place around the house to reduce troubles and bring peace. Carry it to attract friends and enjoy popularity.
The sedative effect of Passion flower has made it popular for treating a variety of ailments, including nervousness and insomnia.


Patchouli drives troublemakers away. Can also be used as a fertility talisman.
As an astringent, it helps tighten loose skin after dieting. Useful for cracked and weeping skin conditions. Helps during menopause for hot flushes.

Pau D'Arco

Pau D'Arco draws moonpower during waning moon.
It is a cell regenerator and used in eczema, skin and nail ulcers.

Information presented in The Enoch Times is based on the traditional and historic use or legend of the herb and is meant as an educational starting point only. While this website makes every effort to maintain the accuracy of the information it contains, The Enoch Times is not engaged in rendering medical advice. Herbs, like any medication, can cause adverse reaction in some people. Do not use these methods without first contacting your medical doctor.