
The heron is a solitary bird who enjoys his own company. People with heron medicine are independent and do not need a lot of people in their lives. This may lead to challenges in relationships if the partner requires constant attention. Thus, people with heron medicine should be aware and avoid withdrawing from social interaction too much.
Heron energy provides for ambition and ambition to complete tasks and accomplish goals. The heron helps you to stand in water, even on the most seemingly unstable ground. The heron teaches you to stand on your own. You do not need to take up traditional roles. It guides you to take advantage of events for your benefit.
People with this medicine can meditate on colours.


The hornet is a sign of female warrior energy.
The hornet's nest have been used as masks for medicine men. Read more on hornet in 'Antidote'.


The horse is strength, freedom and power. Native Americans believe that stealing one's horse is stealing his power.
If the horse comes to you, you have been given the gift of safe passage, physically or spiritually. The horse brings new journeys to you, awakens your freedom and power. You will not be stuck any longer.
People with horse medicine can be fiercely independent leaders with little tolerance for anything that limits free expression. They make excellent teachers to their family and friends by being an example of standing solid by themselves. They make for leadership and teaching professions. They are able to bear the burdens of others and are strong against the strain of circumstances.
However, people with horse medicine may feel there is no one to lead or teach them. Their relationships with others may lack the mental and emotional nourishment they need.


The hummingbird teaches you to dress colourful, to not fear standing out in the crowd. It assures you that you are a beautiful person who brings joy to others. The bird also brings news that much love, joy and beauty will surround you.
People with hummingbird medicine needs to check on their sugar level. The number 16 is also significant to your life. 16 represents change within a 16-day period as the mother bird incubates her eggs for 16 days afterwhich she raises her young by herself.
Despite its size, the hummingbird does not fear the eagle as it has been known to chase the eagle off. This is a lesson that powerful people may be small in size.
Another lesson from the hummingbird is also the cleansing of its feathers. It kills parasites and ants by rubbing an ant in its feathers. Similarly, cleanse yourself spiritually from people who wants to steal your energy.


People with jay medicine may have a little knowledge of everything but is a master of none. Tends to gossip, cheat and lie. They are arrogant yet lazy.
The jay may also visit you to warn you of such people you are about to see.


When the jellyfish visits you, ask yourself if you have been drifting and not crossing the currents to head direct to your goals. The jellyfish relies on the ocean's currents. It can float you through hard times, detangling the mess and sting if necessary.


The koala teaches you to move stress-free.
People with koala medicine enjoys being solitaire. They are comfortable as priests and nuns. They are most comfortable working in the late evenings or early mornings. They are able to consume a lot of food, but must watch out their digestive system.


Ladybug restores faith and brings the message, "Let go and let God." It is the time to succeed, grow and start something anew. The ladybug helps initiate the change you need the most.
The ladybug feels vibrations through its legs. Sense the energy of the things you touch as a form of protection.
However, the ladybug has parasites in its stomach so if you are visited by the ladybug, make a check also on your digestive system.
People with ladybug medicine works well in religious professions.


The leopard visits a shy person to teach him to become active and aggressive. People with leopard medicine may have difficulty facing a fear head-on. The leopard attacks its prey by biting it on the back of its neck, not from the front. This may be beneficial, but it may also be harmful. The leopard is a reserved creature, dignified and uninterested in the flashy and superficial.
People with leopard medicine have strong bodies. The leopard is blessed with graceful movement. Learn dance and rythmic arts. Learn to leap over obstacles gracefully. Caution that those with leopard energy should not suppress his movement. If he does not express himself outwardly, athritic conditions may develop.
People with leopard medicine also has the caressing touch that heals.
Snow leopard
The snow leopard has the power of silence. Use silence to your advantage, do not talk about your future goals and objectives until you have achieved them. Blend in with your surroundings rather than reveal your presence or motives.
You have more than enough energy to accomplish your goals and responds well under pressure. Care not to overcommit yourself. Make time for rest and play. Land on the broad feet of the snow leopard when you have gone out on a limb.
The best season for people with snow leopard medicine is winter, but do not let this hold you back the rest of the seasons.


If you possess lion medicine, you are a born leader. If you have only been visited by a lion recently, it may foretell your promotion to a position which requires more assertive qualities than you previously have.
The spirit helper guides you in dealing with groups and the community. Pay attention to the role you play within the group and help others work cooperatively. Keep your jealous tendencies under control.
The lion does not fight for the sake of fighting. It leaves the scene when it senses danger and this may help you get out of unpleasant situations.


The power of the lizard is in its ability to save itself from danger by leaving a part of it behind. The lizard prompts you with the energy of change. If something is not working out for you, it is time to let it go. Decide wisely as what you decide may stay behind to remind you.
The lizard also tells you to stop hiding and to be bigger than what you are. Aim for that which you spent a lifetime avoiding. Go within and move with confidence and conviction to embrace a new beginning.
The lizards may also convey the message that the baby at home is sick or in danger.