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You can draw ancient wisdom and power from the elephant. He has an inborn knowledge of roots and plants. He can guide you to new energies and power through the use of fragrances and incenses. Aromatherapy may clear ills and ease tensions. People with elephant medicine have a great sense of smell.
The elephant tusks pointing backwards is spiritually symbolic of uncovering the secrets left behind. As they dig for roots, they bring to consciousness evaluation and healing. People with this medicine makes excellent researchers and alternative scientists.


Slow and steady is the way to reach your goal. The elk's medicine is about stamina and pacing yourself so you won't be burnt out. You don't have to be the first to arrive. The elk will also help you gain patience.
The elk will teach you to have a vegetarian diet in times of stress. Additionally, you may consider taking velvet tablets that are made of its antlers. Replenish your strength with some quiet time too.
The elk can show you how to be confident. You will overcome shyness and the feeling of unsure. The elk helps you when you need to be impressive in a situation. Carry yourself with pride and power. A person with elk medicine expresses a strong self image. He was probably a royalty in his past life.
The elk faces difficulty coping in an unjust environment, be it at work, home or in a relationship. The injustice may make him ill. They may not stop fighting until things are set right.
People with elk medicine may use the help of the obsidian stone to help them see the truth and gain clairvoyance. A word of advice: see more good in what people do and avoid looking at what is wrong and criticize.


The falcon is usually right so it is not entirely misplaced to be arrogant. The falcon can be vain, rude, intolerant, impatient and over-sensitive. You can rely on people with falcon medicine for clear judgement in sticky situations. The falcon doesn't waste time and acts on a situation at the time its needed.


It bears the medicine of illumination. It illuminates what is confusing, that you are not able to perceive in the dark. Sometimes the faintest light can see you through.
Use calcite to assist you in working with this medicine.


The type of fish symbolises different traits. People with fish medicine are deeply psychic. They heed their intuition, causing them to swim away from a difficulty until it clears. The fish's visit could remind you to check if fear is holding you back from something that may benefit your life.
The fish may also be news of good fortune at the workplace. A dream of a good haul of fish indicates a positive turn in a personal relationship or with a member of the opposite sex.
A fish swimming down is a symbol of involution of the spirit whilst a fish swimming up is a symbol of evolution of the spirit. The fish can guide you to follow the flow.
Angelfish - The presence of angelfish may indicate the presence of angels in your life. It may also be that you are needed to assist other just as a guardian angel.
Barracuda - The barracuda signals to you that it's time to move on your own.
Catfish - The catfish tells you to speak without showing your temper as your words have a deeper impact on others.
Goldfish / Koi - The presence of this fish indicates new opportunities and asks you to take advantage of them.


The feather gives energy for war and healing. Native Americans use the red feather of this bird to symbolise both physical and spiritual war. The feathers are worn in one's hair if he has medicinal knowledge.


The fly is a messenger of jealousy. The fly is a bringer of disease. The fly also indicates the coming of foul weather and the need for you to make a quick and abrupt change.


The frog enables you to cleanse the environment and aura from negative influences. People with frog medicine makes good mediums and healers. They are good at reading others and know how to help them to heal. However, care must be taken to avoid taking in the emotions of others.
People with frog medicine may go through many metamorphoses in their lives with the change of their careers several times in their lives. The change frees them from burden and unpleasant situations, thus making way to start life anew.

Gila Monster

The tail of this reptile is a staple in a Shaman's basket.


The spirit of the goose is one who competes with his own internal foe. He is driven and dominating, excels in any business and competitive sports he attempts.
Nevertheless, the goose has a bad habit of being addicted which may become his demise.


Gorilla confirms that your endeavours are solid and steady.
In nature, gorillas eat only a few leaves from each plant, leaving behind the plant to replenish itself. The gorilla medicine thus enables you to maintain balance and harmony within yourself.
Gorillas also have strength and patience. People with gorilla medicine hear vibrations that others cannot and are able to use sound ability to the fullest. People with gorilla medicine often choose professions with the deaf and dumb and make compassionate insightful healers.
The gorilla protect its own troop. It may appear to you to remind you to stop letting your troop, family or friends, suffer from your own desires. You may have been assertive and bullied others in your own pursuit.
The gorilla is gentle at heart, it is gentle unless provoked. This helps him to gain respect from the family and fellow workers. The gorilla may appear to you to enable you to stand up with drama and power.


The grackle's colour symbolises the need to look at life differently. The grackle brings a message that emotions need to be dealt with so they won't clog you up. The purple tint of the grackle is a reminder that emotions are affecting your thinking. You may have been talking about your problem without doing anything to resolve it. Look past the emotional turmoil and find the joy in your life.
Use pine fragrances to meditate with grackle medicine.


Grasshopper symbolises leaps of faith, consistent forwards momentum and impressive jumps. The grasshopper also has the ability to leap through time and space. If it appears to you, take a leap of faith and jump forward to the direction of life presented to you, that you may have avoided before. This can include a change in location, career, relationship or the way you perceive yourself. Aim high, leap where others fear to tread. The grasshopper leaps forwards and not back.
The grasshopper medicine appeals to artists, singers and dancers as it attunes them to sounds.
The grasshopper may also bring a message that others are taking too much from you. Life becomes difficult for you if you refuse to change.
The grasshopper may also foretell for you the birth of a son. It may also bring joyful news that will benefit the whole community.
The reading is the same for locust.


Each type of hawk has a different effect on our psyche. The hawk, in general, is an assurance that there is divine guidance for you.
The hawk asks us to be observant of our surroundings so that we won't be distracted by the paths of others and not get caught up with minor annoyances.
The hawk helps you to see the big picture, understand your past, present and future. Circle above your life and perceive from a high point of view. The hawk may foretell a stressful situation about to come. It warns you not to take action as you may not have all the information you need. You will feel that it's not quite right.