
The weasel's medicine is looking deep through silent observation. This is useful for you when you assist someone discreetly. Beware, however, that seeing deeply may be a burden.
The weasel's medicine is also the ability to move through narrow places. It may help you find solutions in through tight situations.
The weasel may also caution you not to be wasteful. The weasel's habit is to kill more than what it needs to eat and it takes what belongs to others. Have you not respected the rights' of others?
The weasel is also one who overestimates his abilities. This makes him susceptible to danger. Learn to be modest.


The whale medicine is the power of perception. The whale is able to listen to more sound frequencies. Seek the help of the whale for healing through ancient languages of communication.
People with whale medicine have telepathic power. They retain all they read. People with whale medicine actually have the ability to access all information in the elements of the universe. It is thus a shame for mankind to harm the whale to extinction.


The wolf is a symbol of trust, nobility and respect. They mate for life. They strive for family unity.
Left to his own devices, the wolf may be obsessive and impractical. Its nature to kill the herd when they smell sick may cause the pack to turn on them.
The wolf may arrive to you at a time when you have given too much of yourself away. It is time to set aside time for yourself to be away from the family. You may also find yourself irritated by those close to you. It is time to feed your own soul.
The wolf may guide you to be a role model share your knowledge through teaching and writing in the field of your expertise. Share from your inner knowledge.
It is simple to understand people with wolf medicine as the wolf expresses through the tones of his voice. The wolf makes excellent storytellers.
If the wolf medicine is with you, trust your intuition as it will guide you to avoid danger.


The wolverine may come to you at a time when you have forgotten how powerful you really are. It is time for you to re-focus. The wolverine will help you survive through difficult terrains.


The woodpecker visits your life as a sign that it is safe to follow through. He will remind you with his constant pecking to act on the solution that has been presented in front of you. The woodpecker is frugal, resourceful and organised. He makes for wonderful partner and friend.
The woodpecker also reminds you to take care of your physical. Follow the rhythm of your body harmoniously.
On a negative note, the woodpecker can be jealous, possessive and spiteful.


The worm medicine is that of earthbound nurturing and wiggling out of difficult situations.