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Shark medicine makes workaholics and impossible tasks possible to accomplish.
Shark medicine also helps for a keen sense of smell. Let it help you sense what smells right.


The sheep brings an aura of peace and the strength in conformity and work in a group. Sheep medicine thus helps people in service professions. It helps you keep free from conflict, stress and competition. Nevertheless, the sheep may be reminding you to be more assertive at the workplace or at home.


The skunk is known by its reputation. The skunk can help you build your self-esteem to walk your talk. It comes to you at a time when you need to overcome people who may have shaken your confidence. Realise that the skunk does not need to spray its odour to be recognised. Respect yourself.
The odour of the skunk attracts its own kind and repels others. This is useful for you to attract those of like mind and repel those who only seeks to take from you. Caution though, avoid being the one who gives off negativity to others. If you find it hard to recognise this, note the characteristics of the people you are attracting. Do they possess favourable characteristics? Are they respectable?


People with snail medicine are usually loners who have difficulty to trust. They may actually have a tender heart but prefers to present a hard shell to the world.
Snail appears to you at a time when you should choose not to trust. Ask yourself when did you encounter that snail. Was it on your way to work? When you were with someone? Watch out and keep your guard out. Do not embark on that project. Back off.


The snake is generally a symbol for healing and is the medicine of medical professionals and powerful healers.
The snake may also visit you to bring a message to shed your old skin. There may be coming a death as well as a birth.
To have a snake crossing your path is an unlucky sign.
If the snake visits you in a dream and bites you, it may be that you will soon be married. However, there are dreams where the snake speaks to you because you may have hurt its young or its space. To avoid this, tread new grounds gently and avoid careless and clumsy gestures that may cause hurt on animals seen and unseen.
Wear an emerald ring to protect yourself from being bitten by snakes. Please read more on snake bites in Venom Therapy.
Adder: Seeing an adder in early spring is regarded as a good omen of success in battle and dispute. The dried skin of an adder are usually hung on roofs to protect the property from fire. An adder seen  at the entrance of a property is a sign of fatal illness and even death for the people.
Garter: The garter snake is colourful with stripes of red, green and yellow. They bring message of jealousy for you to be wary of the next person you meet.
Rattlesnake: The rattlesnake is a sign of changes in store for you. Analyse the intentions of others. Take time out to digest information and knowledge  so you would be ready to strike.


The sparrow is small but lives all over the world. This is a lesson that even the common people have self worth and the ability to survive. The sparrow can teach you to be assertive to survive despite any circumstance. The sparrow will also help you with the true understanding of race. He will teach you the spirit of cooperation and sharing at home and at work.
The sparrow calls to announce rain. Sing your song in whatever you do.
The sparrow also brings fertility and love into your life.


When spider comes into your life, it is calling you to connect with your spiritual path. This webweaver is a reminder of the connection between the past and the future. Ask yourself if your current weaving makes room for your dreams for your future.
The spider is a spirit helper may appear to you at a time when you are confused what path to follow. The spider will show you how pieces of your life are connected to each other and show you your place in the scheme of things.
The spider may also serve as a warning of entangling situations to come.
Nevertheless, the spider's web serves to catch bad dreams. In native american tradition, the dream catcher was first made out of natural spider web. The dreamcatcher screens out negative elements.
Finding a spider on your clothes brings money. Seeing a spider cross a wall denotes good luck. Finding a spider in the morning denotes sorrow. Finding a spider at midday denotes anxiety. Finding a spider in the evening denotes loss.
If you run into a spider's web, it foretells you will make a new friend. Finding a spider's web at the doorway denotes you will have a visitor.
Seeing a spider spinning its web in the morning brings good luck.  Seeing a spider climbing up its thread denotes good news. If you see a spider running down its web in the afternoon, it foretells that you will take a trip. Seeing a spider dropping from its thread denotes good luck.


The squirrel is one who is in constant motion for three seasons of the year. It comes to you to remind you to get busy with your life and to stop waiting for good things to happen. In periods of plenty, work hard and store something aside to prepare for seasonal changes and future use.
Despite its hard work, the squirrel may forget his route to retrieve his store during winter. The lesson is to slow your pace and concentrate on the task at hand.
The appearance of the squirrel may also be a reminder for you to speak slowly and distinctly instead of being chatty.


The starfish may come into your life at a time when you need to regenerate yourself. This may take a year of effort but the success will be abundant. The starfish will guide you to slow and steady movements. It will give you the ability of agility and strength.


The starling is a relative of the mynah. This bird is multi-lingual and can speak the language of other birds. People with this medicine should be careful with what they say as their words may be taken out of context by others. They should also realise that they are also sensitive by the words of others.
The starling is influential and has the ability to control mobs. Such a mob is strong enough to bash up even larger birds.


This is the bird that produces the nutritious 'bird's nest'. The swallow has the ability to create its valuable nest from nothing. Where it builds its nest, the place is protected from lightning and fire.
The swallow spends little time on ground. It flies high to foretell good weather and flies low to foretell rain. The swallow teaches you to move a distance to see the problem. Stay above old issues and problems.


The swan accepts starting off ugly to become the beauty and grace later in life. One with swan medicine can recognise the beauty in people despite their outside appearance.
People with swan medicine can see beyond beauty and into dreams. The swan can foretell the future. They can even predict who would be calling.
Let the swan guide you in poise, style and social skills.


A flesh eater, people with tiger medicine has a relentless temper. The tiger acts without hesitation and it fights to the death for a cause that he believes in. This may lead him to regret his actions.
People with tiger medicine works best at night when their creativity is enhanced. They enjoy intellectual pursuits and are politically motivated.
People with tiger medicine have plenty of energy. They enjoy sports only if they are playing, not watching it, and they enjoy a tough challenge.
People with tiger medicine heals quickly and should consider being healers. They have the sense of touch to heal others as well as sensual for physical relationship.


Toad appears at a time when your luck can change from bad to good, when there are changes that are out of control. It brings the message that you have been hiding your true self, you have been hindering progress, hesitating to act and missing opportunities. It is time for a self-examination, to use your inner strength and let the beauty from within shine through. The toad gives the wisdom to become lighter than air, to jump up and over great distances. The toad bears the wisdom of neutralising poisons, changes your luck and alter your state of consciousness. People with toad medicine can see things and people more clearly.


When the tortoise visits you, it is a message for you to slow down. Patience and persistence is the key to success. It is important to maintain stability in your life, just like the tortoise who carry his home on his back.


The turkey brings a message of sacrificing for the greater good. Give to those in need. Is there anyone around you who needs help?


The turtle is another animal who gets things done slowly but surely. He brings you a message to slow down and enjoy the moment.
The turtle senses vibrations even through its shell. I hides into its shell at the sign of danger and comes out only when it has passed. It may be a sign for you to slow down, keep away from danger and let things come to pass by divine course. This method may also help heal your family relationships.
Learn also from the turtle to bring along a source of protection wherever you go.


The vulture's lack of sound gives it the medicine of act. Wear or carry the vulture's feather to resist illness and for immunity. However, the wearer may become bald. The vulture is prominent by what it does, not how it appears.
People with vulture medicine has a keen sense of smell and would do well with aromatherapy.


The walrus is an animal without respect who disrespect others. The walrus may caution you to use your fierce mask wisely.
The walrus' penis has also been used as a gift to newly married couples for fertility.


People with wasp medicine are solitary individuals. They think independently and are like the trendsetters later in life. They find difficulty relating to authority figures.