
The root is dried or powdered. Wear burdock rock as necklace to protect against magic. Heals the feet.
Purifies the blood and may reduce the need for insulin. Can be used as skin wash for eczema and acne.


Clears away all evil messes. Uncross and breaks jinxes. Provides great personal protection from magical attacks.
Camphor has been used internally to revive those in coma or delirium.


Any object that carries with it caraway seeds is theft proof. Carry for protection against spirits who mean harm, especially Lillith.


The flower keeps one from being judged poorly. Once worn by witches to prevent capture and hanging.

Cascara Sagrada

Also known as 'buckthorn'.
Carry to protect against curses or negative spirits. To assist with court cases, sprinkle around the home before going to court.


It creates a psychic bond between you and your cat.
It lowers fevers, gets rid of headaches and relieves sore aching bones due to cold and flus.


Scatter around the house will break bad spells.
Helps in weight loss and menstrual cramp. Treats depression. Apply externally for joint pain.
Sprinkle a small amount into socks and shoes to keep feet warm during winter.


Hang cedar in the home to protect against lightning. Cedar smoke purifies and cures nightmares.


Helps the wearer escape unfair imprisonment or entrapment. Cures depression.


Chew celery seeds to aid in concentration. Increase psychic powers by burning celery with orris root.
Good for diabetics.


This is Asia's king of trees with the hardiest wood that is resistant to water and termites. It has long been used for railway sleepers and construction that calls for durability.


Centaury bears the spirit of transformation. When you have taken on too much to the point of exhaustion, to the point of denying your own needs, centaury can help you to say 'no' to those stronger personalities, minus the feeling of guilt. Centaur gives the medicine you need when you lack the willpower that results in the weakness of body.


Sprinkle around the home for protection and healing. Useful in breaking curses cast against you.
An excellent insect repellant.


Hang around doors and windows to protect from evil. Bathe in cinquefoil fusion every seven days to ward off evil influences.


String together and hang over babies crib to protect. Use in incense to stop gossip.
Cloves are safe and effective for relieving vomitting during pregnancy. Can also ward off moths.


A general good luck charm. To dream of clover is very fortunate, especially for young people.
Helps to heal illness and avoid madness.


Carry comfrey during travel to ensure your safety, particularly in the astral realms. The leaves are said to help you hold on to the money you won in gambling.
This plant contains allantoin which promotes the growth of new cells. Place a bruised leaf on bites, sores and sunburn.

Cork Oak

Cork oak is a species of oak and thus the best insulator for wines and food bottles.


Anoint all doorways once a week before sunrise when the household is asleep to bring peace and harmony into the home.
Scatter on the floor with salt to drive out evil or burn with frankincense for protection. Strew along the edge of your property, be sure to complete the circle and rejoin where you started to bar negative entry.
Helps increase lactation in women.


Burn curry leaves to keep away evil forces.


Rub yourself all over with dandelion and you will be welcome everywhere and all your wishes will be granted.
Use the milky latex from the stem, rub on a wart several times daily and it will soon be gone.


The seeds can repel witchcraft. Hang in children's room to protect them from evil spirits and bad dreams. Hang on the doorway to protect your home. Carry it to protect your self.
Historically, injured knights are said to have placed burned dill seeds on their open wounds to speed healing. A mixture of dill, dried honey and butter was once prescribed to treat madness.

Information presented in The Enoch Times is based on the traditional and historic use or legend of the herb and is meant as an educational starting point only. While this website makes every effort to maintain the accuracy of the information it contains, The Enoch Times is not engaged in rendering medical advice. Herbs, like any medication, can cause adverse reaction in some people. Do not use these methods without first contacting your medical doctor.